Ukraine Updates — Light for Ukraine



April Update

A message from Sergey: 

Dear friends of ours!

Thank God for every day of ministry in Ukraine and Kiev. Yesterday early yesterday morning our ministry team, Robert, Paul, Roman, and Joshua, left in a van for a trip to the east close to the front where the fighting is going on. They also had a meeting scheduled with our soldier Timothy and his friends who are on the front lines. The meeting has already taken place. Today the brothers were in town near the front lines, holding an evangelistic meeting with the local minister and handing out food boxes. Robert tells us that every 5 minutes something exploded and rattled heavily nearby. They are now in another city and have two more evangelistic meetings scheduled today. They will also be distributing food. Tomorrow there will still be meetings in the morning and after the meeting they plan to go back to Kiev to be home by the evening.

Pray for the journey of our brothers! It is dangerous where they are and these cities are under heavy fire from the Russians.

I am sending fresh pictures of the trip. I just received them.

Another prayer request for Lilia. Lilya is sick again, she has a cough and a high fever in the evenings. She has been lying in bed for three days now and has no strength at all. She does not want to eat, she does not feel well.

Please pray for God to restore Lilya!



A message from Sergey: 

Good morning!

It really is a good morning because there was no shelling in Kyiv last night, and I got a good night's sleep.

We returned safely from our trip to Poland together with Lilya and Krystyna on the evening of December 30. We had a good trip, thank God! I feel better now, I don't cough much, but Krystyna got sick on the road. Please pray for her.

I opened the box you sent and found, along with the tires, flashlights and socks for me. Thank you so much! It is just what I needed! Flashlights are very needed and durable! If possible, when we come to America, I would like to order about 40 more of these flashlights. Right now in Ukraine, this is the best gift to help people.

Today at 14:00, we are meeting with the military and will give them the last few pairs of boots. We will take a picture and will send it to you at once!

God bless!




An update from Sergey: 

Merry Christmas to you and all your beautiful family! I'm so glad you're all together! Holy Family!
We had a beautiful Worship Service today, the youth did a Christmas play, and it was beautiful! Afterward, we gave Christmas gifts to everyone in attendance. There were a lot of new people at the service. Only Robert and Christina from our children were with us for Christmas. The rest of the kids and their families celebrated Christmas on their own.

Today after the Worship Service, the young leaders of our church and our family and I went to a Ukrainian restaurant to have lunch together and celebrate Christmas. When we had already gotten our food and started eating, the air-raid alarm sounded, and we had to quickly take what we could in a plastic box and leave immediately. Those are the rules, and so that's how we celebrated Christmas. We have had a lot of ministry for Christmas -- we are very tired. Robert needs to get some rest, and I have a bad cough and a sore throat. I have lost my voice and have to speak hoarsely and quietly.

I also recently met with the ministers of the new church in Obolon - Yuri and Sergey. They had a full house today! The service at this church began only two months ago, and in just a few more months, the hall will be too small and they will have to look for a bigger one! Praise God!

We also met an eastern minister who had been "lost" in the war. His wife is depressed and doesn't know what to do next. Sergey (that is his name) made the decision to go back to the Kharkov region, to the city of Prishib. He has a home there, but the house was damaged in the war, with eight windows blown out, and the wall and roof were damaged. We pray that God will give him the opportunity to rebuild his house and live in it. Sergey will be returning to do ministry in his city. There is a church building there, but no minister. We pray for Sergey and his wife, Alla.

Tomorrow Lilya, Kristina, and I will be leaving for three days in Poland. We pray that God will keep us safe on the road.

Merry Christmas to you, our dear friends! 

Christ is born!

Praise Him!




I am learning how to be a good leader who is like Jesus Christ as I disciple and train the next generation. I thank God for the good people He has surrounded me with! I will start meeting with a group of young leaders in December – four or five young men who want to become ministers. 

Please pray for our house that is being built in Puttrovka. It is still possible to build during the war, given that there are no Russian troops and shelling from the barrel artillery in Kyiv now. There are companies that continue to build, but not many of them. The team is engaged in masonry, building walls of bricks. Although the weather is not very good, the specialists continue their work. The walls are slowly growing. When I return to Kyiv, I will send photos. 

What is happening now in Ukraine, how Russia is bombing with missiles, is horrible and inhumane. It is simply the devil in the flesh - Putin and his followers. We pray for God's protection! This is war, and choosing where to be and live is impossible. The shoes you are sending will be such a help for Ukrainian soldiers in the trenches. Thank you for organizing everything with boots on the ground for the warriors. We are waiting for them to arrive and hope God will allow them to be shipped here. 

Thank you for appreciating my ministry and our leadership here in Kyiv and Ukraine. I really see God's blessing in working with new leaders and organizing ministry in new cities in Ukraine. I want to use this blessing and not waste time on less important tasks. On the other hand, I have to do many things personally now during the war. I am the only one who can go to Poland because all the other ministers can't leave the country due to martial law and the rule that all ministers under 60 years old are forbidden to leave the country! I have to deal with finances in Poland, and I am the only one who can do that. I can't delegate it to anyone else yet. So in times of war, I have to spend a lot of time helping and organizing for those in and out of the church who are in trouble because of the war. 

Believe with us that Ukraine will win and this whole horrible war will end. We know that God can intervene in this story and put everyone in their place. We continue to pray for our country and the preaching of the gospel and the conversion of many Ukrainians to God! 




A message from Sergey:

There is a lot of ministry here in Kiev, many displaced people and just poor people come. We hold Bible School every Friday for them and give out food packages afterwards. During the Bible Study we encourage people to repent to God of their sins. Last Friday, September 30th, there were over 130 people at the Bible study and 11 of them prayed the prayer of repentance for the first time. Praise God! They were refugees from the city of Lisichansk in the Luhansk region.

Every day people who need food come to us and we try to help them. Unfortunately, we can't help everyone.

Last week we sent two vans with food to Balakleya in the Kharkov region. We distributed food and medicines in the villages and in the city of Balakleya.

I will write a separate letter about this city. There are a lot of exciting stories and God's grace. A pastor who went through arrest and abuse. A church that was rebuilt after being taken by the Russians. The people who weep when they meet ours.

Recently, on October 1, we had a baptism in the Dnieper River. It was cold, but joyful for those who decided to be baptized and become part of God's Church. Six people decided to be baptized in the cold water of the Dnieper. Praise God!

One of the guys just a week ago prayed his first prayer of repentance. And a week later we baptized him. He went through the entire two-month preparation for baptism in a couple of days! His name is Alexander. He is in the picture! to God be the glory!



Update from Sergey:
Our dear friends, those who support our ministry in Ukraine and in Kyiv! We thank God with all our hearts for your participation and sacrifice in ministry! Thanks to you, we are able to continue our ministry in Ukraine for the glory of the Lord during this time of war. A few years ago none of us would have believed that there would be war. Much less that it could be so brutally fratricidal! That a neighboring country, which was considered a brotherly country, would mercilessly kill our soldiers, women and children, rape and abuse peaceful people. Destroy homes and kindergartens, hospitals and churches. And at the highest level they will say that all Ukrainians must be destroyed, that they will fight to the last Ukrainian. Genocide of our people, this is what came to us from a once friendly country. Relations have been severed for many years to come. Ukrainians did not want this war, but now, defending their land, they are part of it. We are all participants in this war.

A few months ago my friend, the pastor of the Light of the Gospel church in Balakleya, Kharkov region, was arrested by the Russians and beaten in the commandant's office for two days, demanding that he agree that he was an American agent and was destroying his country. By the grace of God, on the third day, when he was about to be interrogated and beaten again-most likely he would have been killed on the third day-Alexander lost consciousness in his cell and they had to send him to the hospital. That's how God saved Alexander from death. Then he escaped from Balakleya the hard way, and stayed alive. Praise God!

A few weeks ago my brother Oleg, a chaplain, died near Kherson. He died while helping another wounded man from a Russian mine. Three days ago Andrew, the pastor of the Christian Evangelical Church in the Kharkov region, was killed by a shell exploding in the House of Prayer. Two days ago they brought a summons for my son, Timofey, to take him to the front. We pray that God will keep Timothy. The whole church is involved in some kind of ministry during the war. They try to help each other. They take in refugees, feed the hungry, and share what is left over. My team in the church, those who are actively involved in ministry every day are 9 people. These are sacrificial people who are willing to serve day and night! 

We organize humanitarian aid for people affected by the war, carry food packages to places whereRussians have already left and people are hungry in the villages. They cry when they get a loaf of bread. There are a lot of poor people in Kiev, refugees from the east of the country who just lost everything, who also need help, food packages, clothes and medicine. And we try to help in any way we can. I want to say a big thank you to our very best friends in America who help us financially for all these needs. This is an invaluable help to us! Thank you dear brother Ben and sister Vicki! Thank you Shae and your family! Thank you John and the many donors who participate in our ministry in Kiev and Ukraine! We load vans with products and send them to the war zone-to the east of the country, to the north of the country, to the north-east, to the south of our country.

Praise God for those pastors who have stayed to serve under the bullets and bursts of shells near the battlefields. These are special places where we send a lot of humanitarian aid. It is here, where shells fall and many are on the cusp of death, that people accept help and pray, thanking God for the church helping them. Every service in these churches is overflowing with people who haven't been to church before. One minister in the east that we support has already baptized over 95 people in his young church during the war! Praise God! We need another minibus to carry water to a town in eastern Ukraine where the Russians have bombed all the water sources. A city with multi-story buildings-no water! So the brothers are going to put two barrels in each minibus, fill it up outside the city, and with 2 tons of water they return to the city, where they distribute water to the people for free. There are long lines, people are tired and hopeless. And here our ministers try to encourage people and tell them the Gospel. To tell them about the One who is the Source of Living Water! And people listen and pray and cry...

A very great blessing for us during the war is that several young families moved from the east of the country to the west to plant new churches. These were Alexei and Alena Salfetnikov to Ivano-Frankovsk. These are Timofey and Nigina Guts in Nadvornoye, Ivano-Frankivsk region. Dmytro and Olena Breslavec-to Vasylkiv, Kyiv region. These are Alexander and Sveta Derkach in Radekhov, Volyn region. These ministers have moved to new cities to plant new churches. There is already a beginning in each of these cities. We are also praying for three more families of ministers who are ready to move to the Kiev region for ministry. We are trying to find support for each family to be able to engage in service to people, to buy products and different materials for the ministry to these cities. Brothers work hard to provide for their families. Praise God!

Pray friends for my family. For the health of Lilya and our daughter Kristina. Both my mother and daughter are in poor health. Pray also for my health.

God bless you all!
Sergey and Lilya Guts



Update from Sergey:
Praise God we were able to take some time away! We had a good rest in Turkey. And then another week we had a business trip to Poland. We loaded the van with the products we bought in Poland and solved the issues at the bank. Last night we arrived home in Kiev. Thank God!

A week ago I received the flag from the Kiev Defense Forces, which they signed for you [generous donors]. For Mission Light for Ukraine in America. It was signed by ordinary soldiers and they did not sign their real names, but their "call sign". That is, the name by which he is known in the military unit. We helped these soldiers through one volunteer - we bought them clothes and shoes, food and hygiene products. I took a picture of this flag. A flag from the front lines, where soldiers defend their country and die for the country to be free. I can translate these inscriptions and write them separately.

"Commanding Officer, 2nd Squadron, Outpost Lions 2. Please accept these words of gratitude for helping us fight the occupiers. Glory to Ukraine! Chura Vladimir."

"For memories from the defender. Peaceful skies, health, happiness! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes! "Grandfather" 10.09.2022."

"For the remembrance from the "Tanker". Thank you for your help and support! Glory to Ukraine! 10.09.2022."

"For the remembrance from Hariton Vasiliy. Thank you for your help and support during this crazy time for everyone! Glory to Ukraine!"

Nee has about 10 more similar signatures. These are the fighters thanking you for your support.

Me too and our whole team thank you for your participation and your service! We are together!

Today at the meeting of the council we've discussed what boxes we want to make for distributing humanitarian aid to people and how to make them convenient, strong and attractive. We are thinking of ordering at least 5,000 of these boxes. And yes, it will be expensive. But I think it's worth going that route!

God bless!



*Update from Sergey: Hi friends, we are doing well thank God! We are currently looking for rooms to rent. This week we will be sending another truckload of food and medical supplies east to Druzhkivka. There is a need to purchase another van for ministry in Druzhkivka and Konstantinivka. It costs about $8,000. There are friends in Poland who are willing to pay part of this amount. There is still a shortage of $3,000. We Are praying for provision!

*Update from Ben: The Lord provided a van shortly after this message. Money was sent straight from someone in America who heard the need and provided support. They got the van and were able to reach so many more people with the Gospel! Praise the Lord!



Vicki and I (Ben) traveled with our family recently to Israel and while there, rerouted our trip home to fly home through Poland. While I was able to see Sergey in April, Vicki really wanted to see Lilia to encourage and pray with her.

Three words come to mind after spending time with them.

Faithful, not fearful. Sergey, Lilia, their children, and hundreds of believers are living without fear every day. I’m not sure how, but they are literally loading up their car today driving toward where bombing and shelling are happening. They are bold in their faith and are living without fear.

Strong in spirit, not in body. Pray for Sergey as his health is not great. The Lord is sustaining him and I’ve asked him to take care of himself by resting more. He is happy and faithful, but pray for his body as he has been pressing hard for many decades, and the last 4 months have been non-stop.

Long-haul, not a quick victory. The Lord is going to use you and me for many years in Ukraine. Let’s prepare for the long-haul.

The money you are giving is being used today in Ukraine. Sergey sent me this video that his son put together of their daily work loading up their van with food and supplies. The funds you give purchase and repair the van, the food and supplies are driven toward the front-lines, and the Gospel is carried and communicated in every conversation.



Sergey is quickly gaining a reputation around Ukraine of being a superhero to many. His kindness, attention, and thoroughness is unmatched. He is not only bringing physical comfort and help to people who need it, but he is also being a witness of Jesus to everyone he comes in contact with. He is joyful, and he is confident in Christ. He shares the Gospel freely. Continue to pray for him and pray for those coming to know the Lord through him in these times.



Sergey's church has organized prayer every hour of the day, every day. People gather to pray all day for peace and for the war to end. Everyone who is present holds hands and prays together for the liberation of Ukraine from the occupiers.



Humanitarian aid is the biggest need right now. Prices are so high for food and normal supplies, if they can even be found! Many people are not able to obtain what they need to survive. Sergey and his family are traveling all over Ukraine bringing food and supplies to those who desperately need it. If they hear of a need, Sergey doesn't think twice and just goes and gives. It is all hands on deck and they serve with joy. Robert, Sergey's son recently drove a minibus full of food to people who needed it in Mykolaiv.



We have been able to give cash to 26 pastors who have desperately needed funds for the people in their ministry. These pastors are all over Ukraine. This picture shows someone who was able to receive food because a pastor is taking care of him, and Sergey is taking care of the pastor. This is the ripple affect of your gifts!



While traveling, Sergey found himself spending the night in his van because there was no room in the local hotel. While sleeping in his van, around 4:30am, he heard the air-raid sirens going off repeatedly. He then heard the sound of rocket engines flying overhead. He found out later that these rockets exploded Shepetivka - only 70 kilometers north of his location. The Lord saved him. He promptly began his journey back home. Sergey is constantly in physical danger like this while trying to reach those who need funds and supplies, but also to share about Jesus. He asks you to keep praying for his protection!


UPDATE 3/14 

Due to some challenges getting funds to Sergey we took a flight Poland to meet him in person as he was there for a very limited time gathering supplies to take back. We were able to give him the funds he needed in person. The Lord is working and in order to protect Sergey and his work we won't share specifics but just know that he is receiving what you are sending him. We will not be traveling closer to the Ukraine right now but we are able to minister to him here for the time being. This is a huge blessing. Pray for our safety and wisdom in accomplishing anything else needed while we are here.



 Angelina, Sergey's daughter, and Misha are currently choosing to stay in Kiev. The funds that you have supplied are being used to bring food and medicines to women with children and elderly who do not have any access to them.



Sergey has been meeting with pastors all over Kiev and Western Ukraine over the last few days, coordinating with them as they continue to help with refugees and serve people in need. He and his team are on the ground, handing out the resources they have been given as needs like food and medicine arise. They are ministering to many in the name of Jesus. Sergey sent this message to you, the generous donors who are supplying these needs directly through your gifts: "We are your representatives here, where there is so much human grief. We are here, where helping and preaching the Gospel to the unsaved is needed! Tomorrow our ministers will be giving out Christian literature in bomb shelters where many people gather. They will also be going and handing it out to neighboring houses. Thank God for everything! For every day He gives us. And most importantly - for salvation in Christ. We have eternal life, and no matter what happens to us, we will be with the Lord in heaven! It gives us strength and encouragement."



Sergey shared with us that soldiers from the front lines are writing and calling them, asking that we all continue to pray for them and increase our prayers for them. They told them that they can feel their prayers. One soldier told of how God performed a miracle on the battlefield when the enemy attacked at night. Their enemies could see nothing, but our God did a miracle - the Ukrainian soldiers saw everything as if it were daytime! And they won! A sailor also told them how a Russian ship has been standing in Odessa for two days now, waiting for an opportunity to land, but the sea is so unusually stormy that it has been impossible. This is a miracle of God!


UPDATE 2/24 

We are getting new information from Sergey every few hours and I will send out more info in the coming days. This is some news from Sergey that I received a few hours ago. Join me in praying and giving to fund the work of the Gospel there during this hard time.