Go. Teach. Baptize. Reach.


Twenty-seven years ago, my wife Lilia and I began our ministry as missionaries, serving in Russia. We began ministering in the city of Ulyanovsk, focusing on discipleship and planting churches. We planted our first church, and by God’s grace, many more followed. After 20 years, there were nearly 60 churches we had been a part of planting, but now God began burdening us to return to our home country, Ukraine. At that time, there was unrest in Ukraine, and our passion became caring for and sharing the gospel with our countrymen. We returned to Ukraine, where we now work and serve, sharing the Light of the Gospel with people from all walks of life. Today, “Light for Ukraine” is focused on Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, with the desire to reach the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Light for Ukraine is more than a person or a church - we are a movement of churches planting and establishing churches.

Sergey Guts
Founder and Leader




Sergey and Lilya Goots move from Ukraine to start a mission Church in Ulyanovsk, Russia.

Sergey grew up in a Christian home in Ukraine. When the Soviet Union collapsed, Russia was suddenly open to missionaries. He moved to Ulyanoskv, the birthplace of Vladimir Lenin, father of communism. Lenin famously said, “Religion is the opium of the masses,” meaning religion was invented to keep masses in captivity, creating the communist position that no religion was real. Sergey showed his rejection of this ideology by launching his ministry in Russia with a prayer service at the Lenin Museum, literally in Lenin’s living room.



Church Planting and Growth.

Sergey grows his church plant in Ulyanoskv and eventually becomes chairman of a group of 60 churches planted through their ministry, spread throughout this region of Russia



A Friendship is Formed.

Ben and Vicki Hinson visit Ulyanoskv on a Sister City visit with a delegation from Macon. A friend told a friend who told a friend who told a friend that Ben should meet a preacher named Sergey. In a town of 650,000, Ben asked his 18 year old translator if she knew a man named Sergey. She exclaimed, “The giant Baptist!?” Ben laughed and agreed. Shortly after, this towering man walked into the lobby of the hotel. As soon as he and Ben met, they hugged, and a bond was made forever.



A Partnership in Ministry Starts.

Ben and Vicki begin sending financial support to Sergey’s ongoing ministry. Sergey and Lilya continue annual trips to America and spend a week with Ben and Vicki each winter.



Sergey’s Ministry in Russia ends.

Sergey’s association has now grown to 60 churches. It is vibrant and self-sustaining. The Russian government is now less friendly towards Christian church groups. Sergy feels that perhaps his ministry in Russia is completed.



The Revolution Begins.

Ukraine sinks into Revolution and protests rage in downtown Kiev. Sergey and Lilya return home to minister to the protestors, setting up prayer and food tents on Maidan Square with the protestors. The current war begins. Russia invades eastern Ukraine and Crimea.



Light for Ukraine is Formed.

Ben’s son, Shae, challenges him to put as much energy into supporting Sergey as he has in many past local fundraising efforts for his Church, school and various political campaigns.



Light for Ukraine begins regular communications and begins organized fundraising efforts.

Annual gifts of about $120,000 are raised, primarily from 3-4 families.



Sergey and Lilya plan another annual trip to America.

Sergey notifies Ben in January that there maybe a war and he should not leave. Ben advises Sergey that he and Lilia should come to America, where it is safe. Sergey laughs at Ben and says, “Brother, my sheep are here. I am their shepherd. I cannot leave them. Our God knows where I am, and he will protect or take me as he sees fit.” Lilya emails Vicki, “We have surrendered our lives to God, and we are at peace.”



Feburary 24, 2022

Russia invades all of Ukraine.